
Location : 15 New Britain Avenue Unionville, CT, 06085

Oral Appliances are a great treatment for sleep apnea that is obstructive. These devices are made to softly slide your jaw to keep your airway open as you rest. The kind of oral appliance that is best for you will depend on your health and the reason for the sleep problem. Dental appliances tend to be less intrusive and are more comfortable than CPAP devices. A Long Wharf Dental Group dentist will conduct a thorough exam to determine which appliance is the best fit for you and your requirements. Oral appliances can help reduce the apnea/hypopnea Index (AHI) and also snoring. Alongside the use of oral appliances, additional changes to your lifestyle such as abstaining from smoking or drinking alcohol or exercising more frequently as well as reducing weight and eating a healthy diet can aid in reducing the signs that are associated with sleep apnea. An accurate diagnosis and treatment could greatly enhance your health and improve the your quality of life. Make an appointment now to determine if can benefit from an oral appliance!


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15 New Britain Avenue Unionville, CT, 06085
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